Access Brain Injury Resources
Brain Injury Identity Card

The Headway Brain Injury Identity Card is designed to help police officers and staff more easily identify brain injury survivors and ensure that they receive an appropriate response and support.
The card can also provide brain injury survivors with added confidence in everyday social scenarios.
Each card is personalised, helping the card holder to explain the effects of their brain injury and request any support they may need.
Headway E-Books

Headway offers a wide range of e-books to assist you and your family with the effects of brain injury.
Browse the fact-sheets on a variety of topics including brain injury facts, employment and education, family and relationships, legal issues, practical issues and welfare benefits.
To find out more, please visit the Headway Information Library.
Legal Advice

You may wish to seek legal advice following your brain injury.
To assist you with finding the right solicitor, Headway UK offers a directory of specialist solicitors with experience in dealing with brain injury cases.
Each of the solicitors featured in this Directory has agreed to work within the Headway Personal Injury Lawyers code of conduct, which tells you about the service you can expect from your solicitor.
Approve Care Providers

Headway has developed the Approved Provider scheme, an accreditation scheme open to residential care settings. This includes NHS and independent hospitals, neuro-rehabilitation units, residential and nursing homes and respite facilities, specialising in acquired brain injury (ABI).
The units listed here have been assessed against standards devised by Headway to ensure they provide appropriate specialist care for brain injury survivors with complex physical and cognitive impairment